Creating engaged, high-performing
technology teams
through a culture of

Continuous Improvement

motivation + momentum = motiventum

What We Do

MTVTM provides the structure, education, and coaching to develop a Continuous Improvement mindset within your company culture

Combining best in class tech leadership and elite educational design leaders to provide content that is relatable, high impact, and practice based.

Modules focused on coaching participants to identify incremental actions that can turn into habits, leading to outstanding outcomes.

our mission

Help people-focused leaders create a healthy, engaged, and resilient workforce that can implement sustainable change

We will help you accomplish this through cultivating a Continuous Improvement mindset and culture, using an approach that focuses on the whole person, starting with employee wellness.

For Your People

Build a Continuous Improvement Mindset
People with a Continuous Improvement mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This mindset fosters a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for progress and success in every aspect of their lives.

For Your Organization

Build a Continuous Improvement Culture
The goal of Continuous Improvement is to make every aspect of what your organization is doing better, easier, faster, cheaper, and more profitable to the business and achieve operational excellence.

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What makes us unique?

Tailored to Technology Teams

Catered specifically to technology teams, coaching best practices in the industry.

Whole Person Approach

Teach improvement across domains, from personal wellness to skill development in the workplace.

Personalized Workshops

Hands on workshops to educate your workforce in an effective manner, having them build their own path and provide guidance to success.

Keep the Momentum

Continuous coaching sessions to maintain your momentum after the workshop.

Make it Stick

Coaches who motivate instead of apps that will be forgotten. Content will be relatable, customized, and elaborated on where needed.

Culture of Belonging

Create ongoing collaboration among your most experienced and novice employees, building a culture of teamwork and belonging


Prepare for the New Generation

Employers must invest in the personal development and well-being of their community to meet the expectations of the new generation entering the workforce.

Deal with Change

People must develop a Continuous Improvement mindset to adapt to constant changes instead of accepting the status quo.

Communicate Effectively

The workplace must be intentionally shaped around positive and productive communication and teamwork so that overall success is valued over individual achievement.

Our Approach

Our Modules

Tech Mindset
Professional Growth
Personal Wellness
Skill Development
Team Communication
Process Improvement
Team Collaboration

Continuous Improvement

People bring their whole person to the workplace.

Companies must find a balance between supporting personal wellbeing and professional development.

The ability to learn new skills is the most important skill of all.

Create teams that can quickly adapt and evolve to conquer new challenges.

An organization’s most valuable asset is its people.

Invest in development, both professional and personal, so that team member wellbeing is front and center.

Investing in your employees is at the core of what we do.

Investing in the growth of individuals is also an investment in the larger organization.

Become one of the most attractive places to work in the industry by seeding your culture with Continuous Improvement and reap the success of your workforce’s potential

Start Improving!

Inspire your workforce today!

Learn how you can get your teams started on the journey of Continuous Improvement!

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